AC and TRAN tutorial ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ While the simulation below might me done from the command line with an netlist file, interacting with the simulator inside a Python program gives the user the ability to employ all the extreme flexibility and power of the Python language. This page gives an beginners tutorial showing how, especially illustrating AC and TRAN simulations. Please refer to the doc pages for :mod:`ahkab` and :mod:`ahkab.circuit` for more. Tutorial """""""" Let's say we would like to simulate the AC characteristics and the step response of a Butterworth low pass filter, such as this: .. image:: ../images/python_api/example_circuit.jpg This example is example 7.4 in from Hercules G. Dimopoulos, *Analog Electronic Filters: Theory, Design and Synthesis*, Springer. The code to describe the circuit is the following: First import the modules and create a new circuit: .. code:: python import ahkab from ahkab import circuit, printing, time_functions mycircuit = circuit.Circuit(title="Butterworth Example circuit") Elements are to be connected to *nodes*. There is one special node, the reference (gnd): .. code:: python import ahkab from ahkab import circuit, printing, time_functions mycircuit = circuit.Circuit(title="Butterworth Example circuit") gnd = mycircuit.get_ground_node() and ordinary nodes. Ordinary nodes can be defined as: .. code:: python # setup import ahkab from ahkab import circuit, printing, time_functions mycircuit = circuit.Circuit(title="Butterworth Example circuit") # now we can define the nodes # 1. using arbitrary strings to describe the nodes # eg: n1 = 'n1' # 2. using the alternative syntax: n1 = mycircuit.create_node('n1') # the helper function create_node() will check that this is not a # node name that was used somewhere else in your circuit Then you can use the nodes you have defined to add your elements to the circuit. The circuit instance provides convenient helper functions. The passives in example 7.4 can be added as: .. code:: python import ahkab from ahkab import circuit, printing, time_functions mycircuit = circuit.Circuit(title="Butterworth Example circuit") gnd = mycircuit.get_ground_node() mycircuit.add_resistor("R1", n1="n1", n2="n2", value=600) mycircuit.add_inductor("L1", n1="n2", n2="n3", value=15.24e-3) mycircuit.add_capacitor("C1", n1="n3", n2=gnd, value=119.37e-9) mycircuit.add_inductor("L2", n1="n3", n2="n4", value=61.86e-3) mycircuit.add_capacitor("C2", n1="n4", n2=gnd, value=155.12e-9) mycircuit.add_resistor("R2", n1="n4", n2=gnd, value=1.2e3) Next, we want to add the voltage source V1. - First, we define a pulse function to provide the time-variable characteristics of V1, to be used in the transient simulation: .. code:: python voltage_step = time_functions.pulse(v1=0, v2=1, td=500e-9, tr=1e-12, pw=1, tf=1e-12, per=2) - Then we add a voltage source named V1 to the circuit, with the time-function we have just built: .. code:: python mycircuit.add_vsource("V1", n1="n1", n2=gnd, dc_value=5, ac_value=1, function=voltage_step) Putting all together: .. code:: python voltage_step = time_functions.pulse(v1=0, v2=1, td=500e-9, tr=1e-12, pw=1, tf=1e-12, per=2) mycircuit.add_vsource("V1", n1="n1", n2=gnd, dc_value=5, ac_value=1, function=voltage_step) We can now check that the circuit is defined as we intended, generating a netlist. .. code:: python print mycircuit If you invoke python now, you should get an output like this: :: * TITLE: Butterworth Example circuit R1 n1 n2 600 L1 n2 n3 0.01524 C1 n3 0 1.1937e-07 L2 n3 n4 0.06186 C2 n4 0 1.5512e-07 R2 n4 0 1200.0 V1 n1 0 type=vdc vdc=5 vac=1 arg=0 type=pulse v1=0 v2=1 td=5e-07 per=2 tr=1e-12 tf=1e-12 pw=1 Next, we need to define the analyses to be carried out: .. code:: python op_analysis = ahkab.new_op() ac_analysis = ahkab.new_ac(start=1e3, stop=1e5, points=100) tran_analysis = ahkab.new_tran(tstart=0, tstop=1.2e-3, tstep=1e-6, x0=None) Next, we run the simulation: .. code:: python r =, an_list=[op_analysis, ac_analysis, tran_analysis]) Save the script to a file and start python in interactive model with: ``python -i`` All results were saved in a variable 'r'. Let's take a look at the OP results: .. code:: python >>> r `{'ac': , 'op': , 'tran': }` >>> r['op'].results {'VN4': 3.3333333333333335, 'VN3': 3.3333333333333335, 'VN2': 3.3333333333333335, 'I(L1)': 0.0027777777777777779, 'I(V1)': -0.0027777777777777779, 'I(L2)': 0.0027777777777777779, 'VN1': 5.0} You can get all the available variables calling the keys() method: .. code:: python >>> r['op'].keys() ['VN1', 'VN2', 'VN3', 'VN4', 'I(L1)', 'I(L2)', 'I(V1)'] >>> r['op']['VN4'] 3.3333333333333335 Then you can access the data through the dictionary interface, eg: .. code:: python >>> "The DC output voltage is %s %s" % (r['op']['VN4'] , r['op'].units['VN4']) 'The DC output voltage is 3.33333333333 V' A similar interface is available for the AC simulation results: .. code:: python >>> print(r['ac']) >>> r['ac'].keys() ['#w', '|Vn1|', 'arg(Vn1)', '|Vn2|', 'arg(Vn2)', '|Vn3|', 'arg(Vn3)', '|Vn4|', 'arg(Vn4)', '|I(L1)|', 'arg(I(L1))', '|I(L2)|', 'arg(I(L2))', '|I(V1)|', 'arg(I(V1))'] And a similar approach can be used to access the TRAN data set. The data can be plotted through matplotlib, for example: .. code:: python import pylab as plt import numpy as np fig = plt.figure() plt.title(mycircuit.title + " - TRAN Simulation") plt.plot(r['tran']['T'], r['tran']['VN1'], label="Input voltage") plt.hold(True) plt.plot(r['tran']['T'], r['tran']['VN4'], label="output voltage") plt.legend() plt.hold(False) plt.grid(True) plt.ylim([0,1.2]) plt.ylabel('Step response') plt.xlabel('Time [s]') fig.savefig('tran_plot.png') fig = plt.figure() plt.subplot(211) plt.semilogx(r['ac']['w'], np.abs(r['ac']['Vn4']), 'o-') plt.ylabel('abs(V(n4)) [V]') plt.title(mycircuit.title + " - AC Simulation") plt.subplot(212) plt.grid(True) plt.semilogx(r['ac']['w'], np.angle(r['ac']['Vn4']), 'o-') plt.xlabel('Angular frequency [rad/s]') plt.ylabel('arg(V(n4)) [rad]') fig.savefig('ac_plot.png') The previous code generates the following plots: .. image:: ../images/python_api/tran_plot.png .. image:: ../images/python_api/ac_plot.png It is also possible to extract attenuation in pass-band (0-2kHz) and stop-band (6.5kHz and up). The problem is that the voltages/currents we are looking for may not have been evaluated by ahkab at the desired points. This can be easily overcome with interpolation through scipy. Here is a snippet of code to evaluate the attenuation is pass-band and stop band in the example: .. code:: python import numpy as np import scipy, scipy.interpolate # Normalize the output to the low frequency value and convert to array norm_out = np.abs(r['ac']['Vn4'])/np.abs(r['ac']['Vn4']).max() # Convert to dB norm_out_db = 20*np.log10(norm_out) # Convert angular frequencies to Hz and convert matrix to array frequencies = r['ac']['w']/2/np.pi # call scipy to interpolate norm_out_db_interpolated = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(frequencies, norm_out_db) print "Maximum attenuation in the pass band (0-%g Hz) is %g dB" % \ (2e3, -1.0*norm_out_db_interpolated(2e3)) print "Minimum attenuation in the stop band (%g Hz - Inf) is %g dB" % \ (6.5e3, -1.0*norm_out_db_interpolated(6.5e3)) You should see the following output: .. code:: python Maximum attenuation in the pass band (0-2000 Hz) is 0.351373 dB Minimum attenuation in the stop band (6500 Hz - Inf) is 30.2088 dB `Download the python file. `__