Installing ahkab


The program requires:

  • the Python 2 or Python 3 interpreter (at least v.2.6 for Python2, at least v.3.3 for Python3),
  • numpy>=1.7.0,
  • scipy>=0.14.0,
  • sympy>=0.7.6,
  • and tabulate>0.7.3.

Strongly recommended:

  • matplotlib>=1.1.1,
  • nose for running the test suite.

Please try to use an up-to-date version of the libraries instead of the bare minimum required.

All platform that are supported by the dependencies are also platforms supported by ahkab, although the author only runs *UNIX variants. If you run into any problem, please report it in the issue manager.

Numpy and Scipy are needed for all the numeric computations. On a Debian system, Python, Numpy and Scipy may be installed running:

# aptitude install python python-numpy python-scipy

The symbolic analysis capabilities rely on the amazing sympy. Any version of sympy will do if you are interested only in numeric simulations, but, if you run symbolic simulations, sympy version 0.7.6 or higher is needed.

# aptitude install python-sympy

Plotting requires matplotlib:

# aptitude install python-matplotlib


The source code for the project is hosted on GitHub and releases can be found on PyPI.

To install ahkab, you can have two options: using pip or using distutils.

Install with pip

If you use pip, which boundled in your Python installation, the source code is downloaded from you off the Python Package Index (PyPI).

You may:

  • Issue pip install ahkab, which may require administrative access depending on what permissions your user has on your Python installation.
  • To avoid having to supply admin credentials, you may use pip according to “the user scheme”, issuing pip install ahkab --user.

Install with distutils

Installing manually through distutils requires that you download the source code, untar and move to the root directory of the package.

For which you should first either:
Then, you will need to install the module manually with the distutils script provided, you can choose whether:
  • to install for all users: python install
  • or only your own: python install --user
  • or to install to a different prefix: python install --prefix=~/.local

The Python documentation for installing with distutils will clear up any remaining doubt: for version 2 of the language, for version 3.


Many thanks to the developers of the above libraries, their effort made this project possible. :)