
This is the printing module of the simulator. Using its functions, the output will be somewhat uniform.

The functions defined in this module can be divided in the following groups:

Informative functions

print_general_error(description[, ...]) Prints an error message to stderr
print_info_line(msg_relevance_tuple, verbose) Conditionally print out a message
print_parse_error(nline, line[, print_to_stdout]) Prints a parsing error to stderr
print_warning(description[, print_to_stdout]) Prints a warning message to stderr

Printing netlist lines

print_analysis(an) Prints an analysis to stdout in the netlist syntax

Printing analysis results

print_fourier(label, f, F, THD[, outfile]) Print the results of a Fourier postprocess
print_spicefft(label, f, F[, THD, uformat, ...]) Print the results of an FFT postprocess
print_symbolic_equations(eq_list) Print symbolic equations for visual inspection
print_symbolic_results(x) Print out symbolic results
print_symbolic_transfer_functions(x) Print symbolic transfer functions

Convenience functions

open_utf8(filename) Get a file handle wrapped in a UTF-8 writer
printoptions(*args, **kwds) A context manager for numpy.set_printoptions

Tabular formatting of data

table(data, *args, **argsd) Format a fixed width table for pretty printing

All functions in alphabetical order


Get a file handle wrapped in a UTF-8 writer

The file is opened in w mode.


filename : string
The file name, just like you would pass to Python’s built-in open() method.


fp : codecs.UTF8Writer object
The wrapped file pointer.

Prints an analysis to stdout in the netlist syntax


an : dict
An analysis description in dictionary format.
print_fourier(label, f, F, THD, outfile=u'stdout')[source]

Print the results of a Fourier postprocess


label : str, or tuple of str
The identifier of a variable. Eg. 'Vn1' or 'I(VS)'. If a tuple of two identifiers is provided, it will be interpreted as the difference of the two, in the form label[0]-label[1].
f : ndarray of floats
The frequencies, including the DC.
F : ndarray of complex data
The result of the Fourier transform.
THD : float, optional
The total harmonic distortion, if freq was specified in the FFT analysis. Defaults to None.
outfile : str, optional
The file name to print to. Defaults to 'stdout', for the standard output.
print_general_error(description, print_to_stdout=False)[source]

Prints an error message to stderr


description : str
The error description.
print_to_stdout : bool, optional
When set to True, printing to stdout instead of stderr. Defaults to False.
print_info_line(msg_relevance_tuple, verbose, print_nl=True)[source]

Conditionally print out a message


msg_relevance_tuple : sequence
A tuple or list made of msg and importance, where msg is a string, containing the information to be displayed to the user, and importance, an integer, is its importance level. Zero corresponds to the highest possible importance level, which is always printed out by the simple algorithm discussed below.
verbose : int
The verbosity level of the program execution. Admissible levels are in the 0-6 range.
print_nl : boolean, optional
Whether a new line character should be appended or not to the string msg described above, if it’s printed out. Defaults to True.

Algorithm selecting when to print:

The message msg is printed out if the verbosity level is greater or equal than its importance.

print_parse_error(nline, line, print_to_stdout=False)[source]

Prints a parsing error to stderr


nline : int
The number of the line on which the error occurred.
line : str
The line of the file with the error.
print_to_stdout : bool, optional
When set to True, printing to stdout instead of stderr. Defaults to False.
print_result_check(badvars, verbose=2)[source]

Prints out the results of an OP check

It assumes one set of results is calculated with \(G_{min}\), the other without.


badvars : list
The list returned by results.op_solution.gmin_check().
verbose : int, optional
The verbosity level, from 0 (silent) to 6.
print_spicefft(label, f, F, THD=None, uformat=u'NORM', window=None, outfile=u'stdout')[source]

Print the results of an FFT postprocess


label : str, or tuple of string
The identifier of a variable. Eg. 'Vn1' or 'I(VS)'. If a tuple of two identifiers is provided, it will be interpreted as the difference of the two, in the form label[0]-label[1].
f : ndarray of floats
The frequencies, including the DC.
F : ndarray of complex data
The result of the Fourier transform.
THD : float, optional
The total harmonic distortion, if freq was specified in the FFT analysis. Defaults to None.
uformat : str, optional
The parameter format selects whether normalized or unnormalized magnitudes are printed. It is to be set to ‘NORM’ (default value) for normalized magnitude, to ‘UNORM’ for unnormalized.
window : str, optional
The window employed in the FFT analisys. Defaults to rectangular.
outfile : str
The file name to print to. Defaults to 'stdout', for the standard output.

Print symbolic equations for visual inspection


eq_list : list
The list of equations to be printed. This is what sympy will be asked to solve, typically.

Print out symbolic results


x : dict
A dictionary composed of elements like {v:expr}, where v is a circuit variable and expr is the sympy expression corresponding to it, as found by the solver.

Print symbolic transfer functions


x : dict
A dictionary of dictionaries. Each top level dictionary is a symbol : symbolic transfer function pair, eg. {vo/vin:<tf>}. Each transfer function (<tf>) is itself a dictionary, having as keys the following strings: 'gain', corresponding to the complete symbolic TF expression, 'gain0', corresponding to the DC gain and 'poles' and 'zeros', corresponding to lists of symbolic expressions of the singularities.
print_warning(description, print_to_stdout=False)[source]

Prints a warning message to stderr


description : str
The warning message.
print_to_stdout : bool, optional
When set to True, printing to stdout instead of stderr. Defaults to False.
printoptions(*args, **kwds)[source]

A context manager for numpy.set_printoptions

table(data, *args, **argsd)[source]

Format a fixed width table for pretty printing

No data processing is done here, instead we call tabulate‘s tabulate.tabulate(), passing all arguments unmodified.


data : list-of-lists or a dictionary of iterables or a 2D NumPy array (or more).
The tabular data.

The remaining arguments, not documented here, are:

headers : sequence, optional
An explicit list of column headers.
tablefmt : str, optional
Table formatting specification.
floatfmt : str, optional
Floats formatting specification.
numalign : str, optional
Alignment flag for numbers.
stralign : str, optional
Alignment specification for strings, eg. “right”.
missingval : str, optional
Element for the missing values.