Source code for ahkab.bfpss

# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
# Brute-force PSS analysis module
# Copyright 2006 Giuseppe Venturini

# This file is part of the ahkab simulator.
# Ahkab is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License.
# Ahkab is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License v2
# along with ahkab.  If not, see <>.

"""Brute-force periodic steady state analysis module"""

from __future__ import (unicode_literals, absolute_import,
                        division, print_function)

import sys
import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg
import scipy
import scipy.sparse

from . import circuit
from . import dc_analysis
from . import components
from . import implicit_euler
from . import options
from . import printing
from . import results
from . import ticker
from . import transient
from . import utilities

[docs]def bfpss(circ, period, step=None, points=None, autonomous=False, x0=None, mna=None, Tf=None, D=None, outfile='stdout', vector_norm=lambda v: max(abs(v)), verbose=3): """Performs a PSS analysis employing the 'brute-force' algorithm The time step is constant and IE will be used as DF. **Parameters:** circ : Circuit instance the circuit to be simulated period : float the period of the solution step : float, optional the time step between consecutive points, it will be calculated if not provided points : int, optional the number of points to be used to sample one period, it will be calculated if not provided autonomous : bool, optional Is the circuit clocked or autonomously oscillating? With the current implementation, setting ``autonomous=True`` will result in an exception being raised, autonomous circuits are not supported x0 : ndarray, optional The initial guess to be used. (Experimental, needs work.) mna, D, Tf : ndarrays, optional The matrices describing the circuit may be supplied to speed up the solution, if available. If not supplied, they will be automatically calculated. vector_norm : function, optional The norm to be employed in the convergence checks. Defaults to the Inf norm. outfile : str, optional the output filename. Defaults to ``'stdout'``. verbose : int, optional Verbosity level on a scale from 0 (silent) to 6 (very verbose). The ``verbose`` flag is automatically set is to zero if ``datafilename == 'stdout'`` .. note:: ``step`` and ``points`` are mutually exclusive options: * if ``step`` is specified, the number of points will be automatically determined. * if ``points`` is set, the step will be automatically determined. * if none of them is set, ``options.bfpss_default_points`` will be used as value for ``points`` and ``step`` computed accordingly. **Returns:** sol : results.pss_solution The simulation results """ if outfile == "stdout": verbose = 0 printing.print_info_line( ("Starting periodic steady state analysis:", 3), verbose) printing.print_info_line(("Method: brute-force", 3), verbose) if mna is None or Tf is None: (mna, Tf) = dc_analysis.generate_mna_and_N(circ, verbose=verbose) mna = utilities.remove_row_and_col(mna) Tf = utilities.remove_row(Tf, rrow=0) elif not mna.shape[0] == Tf.shape[0]: printing.print_general_error( "mna matrix and N vector have different number of rows.") sys.exit(0) if D is None: D = transient.generate_D(circ, [mna.shape[0], mna.shape[0]]) D = utilities.remove_row_and_col(D) elif not mna.shape == D.shape: printing.print_general_error( "mna matrix and D matrix have different sizes.") raise ValueError (points, step) = utilities.check_step_and_points(step, points, period, options.bfpss_default_points) n_of_var = mna.shape[0] locked_nodes = circ.get_locked_nodes() tick = ticker.ticker(increments_for_step=1) sparse = n_of_var*points > options.dense_matrix_limit CMAT = _build_CMAT(mna, D, step, points, tick, n_of_var=n_of_var, sparse=sparse, verbose=verbose) x = _build_x(mna, step, points, tick, x0=x0, n_of_var=n_of_var, verbose=verbose) Tf = _build_Tf(Tf, points, tick, n_of_var=n_of_var, verbose=verbose) # time variable component: Tt this is always the same in each iter. # So we build it once for all # It holds all time-dependent sources (both V/I). Tt = _build_Tt(circ, points, step, tick, n_of_var=n_of_var, verbose=verbose) # Indices to differentiate between currents and voltages in the # convergence check nv_indices = [] ni_indices = [] nv_1 = circ.get_nodes_number() - 1 ni = n_of_var - nv_1 for i in range(points): nv_indices += (i * mna.shape[0] * np.ones(nv_1) + \ np.arange(nv_1)).tolist() ni_indices += (i * mna.shape[0] * np.ones(ni) + \ np.arange(nv_1, n_of_var)).tolist() converged = False printing.print_info_line(("Solving... ", 3), verbose, print_nl=False) tick.reset() tick.display(verbose > 2) if sparse: J = scipy.sparse.lil_matrix(CMAT.shape) else: J = np.zeros(CMAT.shape) T = np.zeros((CMAT.shape[0], 1)) # td is a np array that will hold the damping factors td = np.zeros((points, 1)) iteration = 0 # newton iteration counter while True: if iteration: # the first time are already all zeros if sparse: J = scipy.sparse.lil_matrix(CMAT.shape) else: J[:, :] = 0 T[:, 0] = 0 td[:, 0] = 0 for index in range(1, points): for elem in circ: # build all dT(xn)/dxn (stored in J) and T(x) if elem.is_nonlinear: oports = elem.get_output_ports() for opindex in range(len(oports)): dports = elem.get_drive_ports(opindex) v_ports = [] for dpindex in range(len(dports)): dn1, dn2 = dports[dpindex] # build v: remember we trashed the # 0 row and 0 col of mna -> -1 v = 0 if dn1: v = v + x[index * n_of_var + dn1 - 1, 0] if dn2: v = v - x[index * n_of_var + dn2 - 1, 0] v_ports.append(v) # all drive ports are ready. n1, n2 = oports[opindex][0], oports[opindex][1] if n1: T[index * n_of_var + n1 - 1, 0] = T[index * n_of_var + n1 - 1, 0] + \ elem.i(opindex, v_ports) if n2: T[index * n_of_var + n2 - 1, 0] = T[index * n_of_var + n2 - 1, 0] - \ elem.i(opindex, v_ports) for dpindex in range(len(dports)): dn1, dn2 = dports[dpindex] if n1: if dn1: J[index * n_of_var + n1 - 1, index * n_of_var + dn1 - 1] = \ J[index * n_of_var + n1 - 1, index * n_of_var + dn1 - 1] + \ elem.g(opindex, v_ports, dpindex) if dn2: J[index * n_of_var + n1 - 1, index * n_of_var + dn2 - 1] =\ J[index * n_of_var + n1 - 1, index * n_of_var + dn2 - 1] - 1.0 * \ elem.g(opindex, v_ports, dpindex) if n2: if dn1: J[index * n_of_var + n2 - 1, index * n_of_var + dn1 - 1] = \ J[index * n_of_var + n2 - 1, index * n_of_var + dn1 - 1] - 1.0 * \ elem.g(opindex, v_ports, dpindex) if dn2: J[index * n_of_var + n2 - 1, index * n_of_var + dn2 - 1] =\ J[index * n_of_var + n2 - 1, index * n_of_var + dn2 - 1] + \ elem.g(opindex, v_ports, dpindex) J = J + CMAT residuo = CMAT*x + T + Tf + Tt if sparse: J = scipy.sparse.csc_matrix(J) lu = scipy.sparse.linalg.splu(J) dx = lu.solve(-residuo) else: dx = np.linalg.solve(J, -residuo) # td for index in range(points): td[index, 0] = dc_analysis.get_td(dx[index*n_of_var:(index + 1)*n_of_var, 0].reshape(-1, 1), locked_nodes, n=-1) x = x + min(abs(td))[0] * dx # convergence check converged = _convergence_check(dx, x, nv_indices, ni_indices, vector_norm) if converged: break tick.step() if options.bfpss_max_nr_iter and iteration == options.bfpss_max_nr_iter: printing.print_general_error("Hit BFPSS_MAX_NR_ITER (" + str(options.bfpss_max_nr_iter) + "), iteration halted.") converged = False break else: iteration = iteration + 1 tick.hide(verbose > 2) if converged: printing.print_info_line(("done.", 3), verbose) t = np.arange(points) * step t = t.reshape((1, points)) x = x.reshape((points, n_of_var)) sol = results.pss_solution(circ=circ, method="brute-force", period=period, outfile=outfile) sol.set_results(t, x.T) else: print("failed.") sol = None return sol
def _convergence_check(dx, x, nv_indices, ni_indices, vector_norm): """Perform a convergence check using the specified vector norm""" # sometimes something diverges... look out if vector_norm(dx) is np.nan: raise OverflowError dxc = np.array(dx) xc = np.array(x) ret = (vector_norm(dxc[nv_indices]) < options.ver * \ vector_norm(xc[nv_indices]) + options.vea) and \ (not len(ni_indices) or \ vector_norm(dxc[ni_indices]) < options.ier * \ vector_norm(xc[ni_indices]) + options.iea) return ret def _build_CMAT(mna, D, step, points, tick, n_of_var=None, sparse=False, verbose=3): if n_of_var is None: n_of_var = mna.shape[0] printing.print_info_line(("Building CMAT (%dx%d)... " % (n_of_var*points, n_of_var*points), 5), verbose, print_nl=False) tick.reset() tick.display(verbose > 2) C1, C0 = implicit_euler.get_df_coeff(step) I = np.eye(n_of_var) M = mna + C1*D N = C0*D if sparse: CMAT = scipy.sparse.lil_matrix((n_of_var*points, n_of_var*points)) else: CMAT = np.zeros((n_of_var*points, n_of_var*points)) for li in range(points): # li = line index for ci in range(points): if li == 0: if ci == 0: temp = I elif ci == points - 1: temp = -I else: continue # temp = Z else: if ci == li: temp = M elif ci == li - 1: temp = N else: continue # temp = Z CMAT = utilities.set_submatrix(row=li*n_of_var, col=ci*n_of_var, dest_matrix=CMAT, source_matrix=temp) tick.step() tick.hide(verbose > 2) if sparse: CMAT = scipy.sparse.coo_matrix(CMAT) printing.print_info_line(("done.", 5), verbose) return CMAT def _build_x(mna, step, points, tick, x0=None, n_of_var=None, verbose=3): if n_of_var is None: n_of_var = mna.shape[0] printing.print_info_line(("Building x...", 5), verbose, print_nl=False) tick.reset() tick.display(verbose > 2) x = np.zeros((points * n_of_var, 1)) if x0 is not None: if isinstance(x0, results.op_solution): x0 = x0.asarray() if x0.shape[0] != n_of_var: print("Warning x0 has the wrong dimensions. Using all 0s.") else: for index in range(points): x = utilities.set_submatrix(row=index*n_of_var, col=0, dest_matrix=x, source_matrix=x0) tick.step() tick.hide(verbose > 2) printing.print_info_line(("done.", 5), verbose) return x def _build_Tf(sTf, points, tick, n_of_var, verbose=3): printing.print_info_line(("Building Tf...", 5), verbose, print_nl=False) tick.reset() tick.display(verbose > 2) Tf = np.zeros((points * n_of_var, 1)) for index in range(1, points): Tf = utilities.set_submatrix(row=index*n_of_var, col=0, dest_matrix=Tf, source_matrix=sTf) tick.step() tick.hide(verbose > 2) printing.print_info_line(("done.", 5), verbose) return Tf def _build_Tt(circ, points, step, tick, n_of_var, verbose=3): nv = circ.get_nodes_number() printing.print_info_line(("Building Tt...", 5), verbose, print_nl=False) tick.reset() tick.display(verbose > 2) Tt = np.zeros((points * n_of_var, 1)) for index in range(1, points): v_eq = 0 time = index * step for elem in circ: if (isinstance(elem, components.sources.VSource) or isinstance(elem, components.sources.ISource)) and elem.is_timedependent: if isinstance(elem, components.sources.VSource): Tt[index * n_of_var + nv - 1 + v_eq, 0] = - \ 1.0 * elem.V(time) elif isinstance(elem, components.sources.ISource): if elem.n1: Tt[index * n_of_var + elem.n1 - 1, 0] = \ Tt[index * n_of_var + elem.n1 - 1, 0] + \ elem.I(time) if elem.n2: Tt[index * n_of_var + elem.n2 - 1, 0] = \ Tt[index * n_of_var + elem.n2 - 1, 0] - \ elem.I(time) if circuit.is_elem_voltage_defined(elem): v_eq = v_eq + 1 # print Tt[index*n_of_var:(index+1)*n_of_var] tick.step() tick.hide(verbose > 2) printing.print_info_line(("done.", 5), verbose) return Tt