Source code for ahkab.diode

# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
# Diode model
# Copyright 2006-2013 Giuseppe Venturini

# This file is part of the ahkab simulator.
# Ahkab is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License.
# Ahkab is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License v2
# along with ahkab.  If not, see <>.

This module contains a diode element and its model class.

.. image:: images/elem/diode.svg


#         |\|
#  n1 o---| ]---o n2
#         |/|

from __future__ import (unicode_literals, absolute_import,
                        division, print_function)

from math import e as E, isinf, sqrt
import numpy as np

from scipy.optimize import newton

from . import constants
from . import utilities
from . import options

damping_factor = 4.

[docs]class diode(object): """A diode element. **Parameters:** n1, n2 : string The diode anode and cathode. model : model instance The diode model providing the mathemathical modeling. ic : float The diode initial voltage condition for transient analysis (ie :math:`V_D = V(n_1) - V(n_2)` at :math:`t = 0`). off : bool Whether the diode should be initially assumed to be off when computing an OP. The other are the physical parameters reported in the following table: +---------------+-------------------+-----------------------------------+ | *Parameter* | *Default value* | *Description* | +===============+===================+===================================+ | AREA | 1.0 | Area multiplier | +---------------+-------------------+-----------------------------------+ | T | circuit temp | Operating temperature | +---------------+-------------------+-----------------------------------+ """ def __init__(self, part_id, n1, n2, model, AREA=None, T=None, ic=None, off=False): self.part_id = part_id self.is_nonlinear = True self.is_symbolic = True self.dc_guess = [0.425] class _dev_class(object): pass self.device = _dev_class() self.device.AREA = AREA if AREA is not None else 1.0 self.device.T = T self.device.last_vd = .425 self.n1 = n1 self.n2 = n2 self.ports = ((self.n1, self.n2),) self.model = model if self.device.T is None: self.device.T = constants.T if ic is not None: # fixme print("(W): ic support in diodes is very experimental.") self.dc_guess = ic self.ic = ic = off if if self.ic is None: self.ic = 0 else: print("(W): IC statement in diodes takes precedence over OFF.") print("(W): If you are performing a transient simulation with uic=2,") print("(W): you may want to check the initial value.") def _get_T(self): return self.device.T
[docs] def set_temperature(self, T): """Set the operating temperature IN KELVIN degrees """ # this automatically makes the memoization cache obsolete. self.device # is in fact passed as one of the arguments, hashed and stored: # if it changes, the old cache will return misses. self.device.T = T
def __str__(self): rep = "%s area=%g T=%g" % (, self.device.AREA, self._get_T()) if self.ic is not None: rep = rep + " ic=" + str(self.ic) elif rep += " off" return rep
[docs] def get_output_ports(self): return self.ports
[docs] def get_drive_ports(self, op): if not op == 0: raise ValueError('Diode %s has no output port %d' % (self.part_id, op)) return self.ports
[docs] def istamp(self, ports_v, time=0, reduced=True): """Get the current matrix A matrix corresponding to the current flowing in the element with the voltages applied as specified in the ``ports_v`` vector. **Parameters:** ports_v : list A list in the form: [voltage_across_port0, voltage_across_port1, ...] time: float the simulation time at which the evaluation is performed. It has no effect here. Set it to None during DC analysis. """ v = ports_v[0] i = self.model.get_i(self.model, v, self.device) istamp = np.array((i, -i), dtype=np.float64) indices = ((self.n1 - 1*reduced, self.n2 - 1*reduced), (0, 0)) if reduced: delete_i = [pos for pos, ix in enumerate(indices[0]) if ix == -1] istamp = np.delete(istamp, delete_i, axis=0) indices = tuple(zip(*[(ix, j) for ix, j in zip(*indices) if ix != -1])) return indices, istamp
[docs] def i(self, op_index, ports_v, time=0): # with gmin added v = ports_v[0] i = self.model.get_i(self.model, v, self.device) return i
[docs] def gstamp(self, ports_v, time=0, reduced=True): """Returns the differential (trans)conductance wrt the port specified by port_index when the element has the voltages specified in ports_v across its ports, at (simulation) time. ports_v: a list in the form: [voltage_across_port0, voltage_across_port1, ...] port_index: an integer, 0 <= port_index < len(self.get_ports()) time: the simulation time at which the evaluation is performed. Set it to None during DC analysis. """ indices = ([self.n1 - 1]*2 + [self.n2 - 1]*2, [self.n1 - 1, self.n2 - 1]*2) gm = self.model.get_gm(self.model, 0, utilities.tuplinator(ports_v), 0, self.device) if gm == 0: gm = options.gmin*2 stamp = np.array(((gm, -gm), (-gm, gm)), dtype=np.float64) if reduced: zap_rc = [pos for pos, i in enumerate(indices[1][:2]) if i == -1] stamp = np.delete(stamp, zap_rc, axis=0) stamp = np.delete(stamp, zap_rc, axis=1) indices = tuple(zip(*[(i, y) for i, y in zip(*indices) if (i != -1 and y != -1)])) stamp_flat = stamp.reshape(-1) stamp_folded = [] indices_folded = [] for ix, it in enumerate([(i, y) for i, y in zip(*indices)]): if it not in indices_folded: indices_folded.append(it) stamp_folded.append(stamp_flat[ix]) else: w = indices_folded.index(it) stamp_folded[w] += stamp_flat[ix] indices = tuple(zip(*indices_folded)) stamp = np.array(stamp_folded) return indices, stamp
[docs] def g(self, op_index, ports_v, port_index, time=0): if not port_index == 0: raise Exception("Attepted to evaluate a diode's gm on an unknown port.") gm = self.model.get_gm(self.model, op_index, utilities.tuplinator(ports_v), port_index, self.device) return gm
[docs] def get_op_info(self, ports_v_v): """Information regarding the Operating Point (OP) **Parameters:** ports_v : list of lists The parameter is to be set to ``[[v]]``, where ``v`` is the voltage applied to the diode terminals. **Returns:** op_keys : list of strings The labels corresponding to the numeric values in ``op_info``. op_info : list of floats The values corresponding to ``op_keys``. """ vn1n2 = float(ports_v_v[0][0]) idiode = self.i(0, (vn1n2,)) gmdiode = self.g(0, (vn1n2,), 0) op_keys = ["Part ID", "V(n1-n2) [V]", "I(n1-n2) [A]", "P [W]", "gm [A/V]", u"T [\u00b0K]"] op_info = [self.part_id.upper(), vn1n2, idiode, vn1n2*idiode, gmdiode, self._get_T()] return op_keys, op_info
[docs] def get_netlist_elem_line(self, nodes_dict): ext_n1, ext_n2 = nodes_dict[self.n1], nodes_dict[self.n2] ret = "%s %s %s %s" % (self.part_id, ext_n1, ext_n2, # append the optional part: # [<AREA=float> <T=float> <IC=float> <OFF=boolean>] ret += " AREA=%g" % self.device.AREA if self.device.T is not None: ret += " T=%g" % self.device.T if self.ic is not None: ret += " IC=%g" % self.ic if ret += " OFF=1" return ret
IS_DEFAULT = 1e-14 # saturation current A N_DEFAULT = 1.0 # forvard branch ideality factor NBV_DEFAULT = 1.0 # breakdown ideality factor ISR_DEFAULT = 0.0 # recombination current parameter A NR_DEFAULT = 2.0 # emission coefficient for Isr RS_DEFAULT = 0.0 # series resistance ohm CJ0_DEFAULT = 0.0 # zero bias junction capacitance M_DEFAULT = .5 # grading coefficient VJ_DEFAULT = .7 # junction built-in potential FC_DEFAULT = .5 # forward bias depletion capacitance coefficient CP_DEFAULT = .0 # linear capacitance F TT_DEFAULT = .0 # transit time s BV_DEFAULT = float('inf') # reverse breakdown voltage IBV_DEFAULT = 1e-3 # reverse breakdown current IBV=-I(-BV) IKF_DEFAULT = float('inf') # high-injection knee current A KF_DEFAULT = .0 # flicker noise coefficient AF_DEFAULT = 1. # flicker noise exponent FFE_DEFAULT = 1. # flicker noise frequency exponent TEMP_DEFAULT = 26.85 # temperature XTI_DEFAULT = 3.0 # saturation current exponent EG_DEFAULT = 1.11 # band gap TBV_DEFAULT = 0.0 # BV linear temperature coefficient 1/◦C TRS_DEFAULT = 0.0 # RS linear temperature coefficient 1/◦C TTT1_DEFAULT = 0.0 # TT linear temperature coefficient TTT2_DEFAULT = 0.0 # TT quadratic temperature coefficient TM1_DEFAULT = 0.0 # M linear temperature coefficient TM2_DEFAULT = 0.0 # M quadratic temperature coefficient T_DEFAULT = utilities.Celsius2Kelvin(26.85) AREA_DEFAULT = 1.0 # area
[docs]class diode_model(object): """A diode model implementing the `Shockley diode equation <>`__. Currently the capacitance modeling part is missing. The principal parameters are: +---------------+-------------------+-----------------------------------+ | *Parameter* | *Default value* | *Description* | +===============+===================+===================================+ | IS | 1e-14 A | Specific current | +---------------+-------------------+-----------------------------------+ | N | 1.0 | Emission coefficient | +---------------+-------------------+-----------------------------------+ | ISR | 0.0 A | Recombination current | +---------------+-------------------+-----------------------------------+ | NR | 2.0 | Recombination coefficient | +---------------+-------------------+-----------------------------------+ | RS | 0.0 ohm | Series resistance per unit area | +---------------+-------------------+-----------------------------------+ please refer to a textbook description of the Shockley diode equation or to the source file ```` file for the other parameters. """ def __init__(self, name, IS=None, N=None, NBV=None, ISR=None, NR=None, RS=None, CJ0=None, M=None, VJ=None, FC=None, CP=None, TT=None, BV=None, IBV=None, IKF=None, KF=None, AF=None, FFE=None, TEMP=None, XTI=None, EG=None, TBV=None, TRS=None, TTT1=None, TTT2=None, TM1=None, TM2=None, = name self.IS = float(IS) if IS is not None else IS_DEFAULT self.N = float(N) if N is not None else N_DEFAULT self.NBV = float(NBV) if NBV is not None else NBV_DEFAULT self.ISR = float(ISR) if ISR is not None else ISR_DEFAULT self.NR = float(NR) if NR is not None else NR_DEFAULT self.RS = float(RS) if RS is not None else RS_DEFAULT self.CJ0 = float(CJ0) if CJ0 is not None else CJ0_DEFAULT self.M = float(M) if M is not None else M_DEFAULT self.VJ = float(VJ) if VJ is not None else VJ_DEFAULT self.FC = float(FC) if FC is not None else FC_DEFAULT self.CP = float(CP) if CP is not None else CP_DEFAULT self.TT = float(TT) if TT is not None else TT_DEFAULT self.BV = float(BV) if BV is not None else BV_DEFAULT self.IBV = float(IBV) if IBV is not None else IBV_DEFAULT self.IKF = float(IKF) if IKF is not None else IKF_DEFAULT self.KF = float(KF) if KF is not None else KF_DEFAULT self.AF = float(AF) if AF is not None else AF_DEFAULT self.FFE = float(FFE) if FFE is not None else FFE_DEFAULT self.TEMP = utilities.Celsius2Kelvin( float(TEMP)) if TEMP is not None else TEMP_DEFAULT self.XTI = float(XTI) if XTI is not None else XTI_DEFAULT self.EG = float(EG) if EG is not None else EG_DEFAULT self.TBV = float(TBV) if TBV is not None else TBV_DEFAULT self.TRS = float(TRS) if TRS is not None else TRS_DEFAULT self.TTT1 = float(TTT1) if TTT1 is not None else TTT1_DEFAULT self.TTT2 = float(TTT2) if TTT2 is not None else TTT2_DEFAULT self.TM1 = float(TM1) if TM1 is not None else TM1_DEFAULT self.TM2 = float(TM2) if TM2 is not None else TM2_DEFAULT self.T = T_DEFAULT self.last_vd = None self.VT = constants.Vth(self.T) self.material=material
[docs] def print_model(self): strm = ".model diode %s IS=%g N=%g ISR=%g NR=%g RS=%g CJ0=%g M=%g " + \ "VJ=%g FC=%g CP=%g TT=%g BV=%g IBV=%g KF=%g AF=%g FFE=%g " + \ "TEMP=%g XTI=%g EG=%g TBV=%g TRS=%g TTT1=%g TTT2=%g TM1=%g " + \ "TM2=%g" print(strm % (, self.IS, self.N, self.ISR, self.NR, self.RS, self.CJ0, self.M, self.VJ, self.FC, self.CP, self.TT, self.BV, self.IBV, self.KF, self.AF, self.FFE, self.TEMP, self.XTI, self.EG, self.TBV, self.TRS, self.TTT1, self.TTT2, self. TM1, self. TM2))
[docs] def get_i(self, vext, dev): if dev.T != self.T: self.set_temperature(dev.T) if not self.RS: i = self._get_i(vext) * dev.AREA dev.last_vd = vext else: vd = dev.last_vd if dev.last_vd is not None else 10*self.VT vd = newton(self._obj_irs, vd, fprime=self._obj_irs_prime, args=(vext, dev), tol=options.vea, maxiter=500) i = self._get_i(vext-vd) dev.last_vd = vd return i
def _obj_irs(self, x, vext, dev): # obj fn for newton return x/self.RS-self._get_i(vext-x)*dev.AREA def _obj_irs_prime(self, x, vext, dev): # obj fn derivative for newton # first term ret = 1./self.RS # disable RS RSSAVE = self.RS self.RS = 0 # second term ret += self.get_gm(self, 0, (vext-x,), 0, dev) # renable RS self.RS = RSSAVE return ret def _safe_exp(self, x): return np.exp(x) if x < 70 else np.exp(70) + 10 * x def _get_i(self, v): i_fwd= self.IS * (self._safe_exp(v/(self.N * self.VT)) - 1) i_rec= self.ISR* (self._safe_exp(v/(self.NR * self.VT)) - 1) i_rev=-self.IS * (self._safe_exp(-(v+self.BV)/(self.NBV *self.VT)) - 1) k_inj = 1 if (not isinf(self.IKF)) and (self.IKF>0) and (i_fwd>0): k_inj = sqrt(self.IKF/(self.IKF+i_fwd)) return k_inj*i_fwd+i_rec+i_rev @utilities.memoize
[docs] def get_gm(self, op_index, ports_v, port_index, dev): if dev.T != self.T: self.set_temperature(dev.T) v=ports_v[0] gm = self.IS / (self.N * self.VT) *\ self._safe_exp(v / (self.N * self.VT)) +\ -self.IS/self.VT * (self._safe_exp(-(v+self.BV)/self.VT)) +\ self.ISR / (self.NR * self.VT) *\ self._safe_exp(v / (self.NR * self.VT)) if self.RS != 0.0: gm = 1. / (self.RS + 1. / (gm + 1e-3*options.gmin)) return dev.AREA * gm
def __str__(self): pass
[docs] def set_temperature(self, T): T = float(T) self.EG = self.material.Eg(T) if self.material!=None else self.EG self.IS = self.IS*(T/self.T)**(self.XTI/self.N)* \ np.exp(-constants.e*(self.material.Eg(constants.Tref) if self.material!=None else self.EG)/\ (self.N*constants.k*T)* (1 - T/self.T)) self.BV = self.BV - self.TBV*(T - self.T) self.RS = self.RS*(1 + self.TRS*(T - self.T)) self.T = T