Source code for ahkab.fourier

# Module to perfor Fourier analysis of simulation data
# Copyright 2015 Giuseppe Venturini
# This file is part of the ahkab simulator.
# Ahkab is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License.
# Ahkab is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License v2
# along with ahkab.  If not, see <>.

This module offers the functions needed to perform a Fourier analysis of the
results of a simulation.

Module reference

from __future__ import (unicode_literals, absolute_import,
                        division, print_function)

import numpy as np
import numpy.fft as fft

from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline
from scipy.signal import (bartlett, hann, hamming, blackman,
                          blackmanharris, gaussian, kaiser)

from . import options
from . import py3compat

# .FFT <output_var> <START = value> <STOP = value> <NP = value>
#+ <FORMAT = keyword> <WINDOW = keyword> <ALFA = value>
#+ <FREQ = value> <FMIN = value> <FMAX = value>
specs = {'fft':{'tokens':({

#.FOUR <freq> <x1> [<x2> [<x3 ...]]
[docs]def fourier(label, tran_results, fund): """Fourier analysis of the time evolution of a variable. In particular, the function uses the first 10 multiples of the fundamental frequency and a rectangular window. A variable amount of time data is used, resampled with a fixed time step. The length of the data is decided as follows: * The data should be taken from the end of the simulation, so that if there is any build-up or stabilization process, the Fourier analysis is not affected (or less affected) by it. * At least 1 period of the fundamental should be used. * Not more than 50% of the total simulation time should be used, if possible. * Respecting the above, as much data as possible should be used, as it leads to more accurate results. **Parameters:** label : str or tuple of str The identifier of a variable. Eg. ``'Vn1'`` or ``'I(VS)'``. If ``r`` is your ``tran_solution`` object, calling ``r.keys()`` will give you all the possible variable names for your result set. If a tuple of two identifiers is provided, the difference of the two, in the form ``label[0]-label[1]``, will be used. tran_results : tran_solution instance The TRAN results containing the time data for the ``'label'`` variable. fund : float The fundamental frequency, in Hertz. **Returns:** f : ndarray of floats The frequencies correspoding to the ``F`` array below. F : ndarray of complex data The result of the Fourier transform, including DC. THD : float The total harmonic distortion. This value, for a meaningful case, should be in the range (0, 1). """ # we want a good number of periods. Not too big, to leave space for any # transient at the beginning, not too small, to have points in the FFT if type(label) in py3compat.string_types: data = tran_results[label] elif type(label) == tuple: if len(label) == 1 or (len(label) >= 2 and label[1] is None): data = tran_results[label[0]] label = label[0] else: data = tran_results[label[0]] - tran_results[label[1]] label = '%s - %s' % (label[0], label[1]) ps = [] for i in range(1, 10, 2): ps += [(tran_results.tstop - tran_results.tstart) // (i/fund)] ps = [i for i in ps if i > 0] nperiods = ps[int(np.ceil(len(ps)-1))] # setup start & stop accordingly start = tran_results.tstop - nperiods/fund stop = tran_results.tstop # 10 points, remember? sampling = 1./(2*10*fund) t = np.linspace(start, stop, (stop-start)//sampling, endpoint=False) idata = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(tran_results.get_x(), data, k=2) f = fft.fftfreq(len(t), sampling)[::nperiods] F = fft.rfft(idata(t))[:-1:nperiods] f = f[:len(f)/2] THD = np.sqrt(sum(abs(F[2:])**2))/abs(F[1]) return f, F, THD
# .FFT <output_var> <START = value> <STOP = value> <NP = value> #+ <FORMAT = keyword> <WINDOW = keyword> <ALFA = value> #+ <FREQ = value> <FMIN = value> <FMAX = value>
[docs]def spicefft(label, tran_results, freq=None, **args): """FFT analysis of the time evolution of a variable. This function is a much more flexible and complete version of the :func:`ahkab.fourier.fourier` function. The function uses a variable amount of time data, resampled with a fixed time step. The time interval is specified through the ``start`` and ``stop`` parameters, if they are not set, all the available data is used. The function behaves differently whether the parameter ``freq`` is specified or not: * If the fundamental frequency ``freq`` (:math:`f` in the following) is specified, the function will perform an harmonic analysis, considering only the DC component and the harmonics of :math:`f` up to the 9th (ie :math:`f`, :math:`2f`, :math:`3f` :math:`\\dots` :math:`9f`). * If ``freq`` is left unspecified, a standard FFT analysis is performed, starting from :math:`f = 0`, to a frequency :math:`f_{max} = 1/(2T_{TOT}n_p)`, where :math:`T_{TOT}` is the total length of the considered data in seconds and :math:`n_p` is the number of points in the FTT, set through the ``np`` parameter to this function. **Parameters:** label : str, or tuple of str The identifier of a variable. Eg. ``'Vn1'`` or ``'I(VS)'``. If ``r`` is your ``tran_solution`` object, calling ``r.keys()`` will give you all the possible variable names for your result set. If a tuple of two identifiers is provided, the difference of the two, in the form ``label[0]-label[1]``, will be used. tran_results : tran_solution instance The TRAN results containing the time data for the ``'label'`` variable. freq : float, optional The fundamental frequency, in Hertz. If it is specified, the output will be limited to the harmonics of this frequency. The THD evaluation will also be enabled. start : float, optional The first time instant to be considered for the transient analysis. If unspecified, it will be the beginning of the transient simulation. from : float, optional Alternative specification of the ``start`` parameter. stop : float, optional Last time instant to be considered for the FFT analysis. If unspecified, it will be the end time of the transient simulation. to : float, optional Alternative specification of the ``stop`` parameter. np : integer A power of two that specifies how many points should be used when computing the FFT. If it is set to a value that is not a power of 2, it will be rounded up to the nearest power of 2. It defaults to 1024. window : str, optional The windowing type. The following values are available: * 'RECT' for a rectangular window, equivalent to no window at all. * 'BART', for a Bartlett window. * 'HANN', for a Hanning window. * 'HAMM' for a Hamming window. * 'BLACK' for a Blackman window. * 'HARRIS' for a Blackman-Harris window. * 'GAUSS' for a Gaussian window. * 'KAISER' for a Kaiser-Bessel window. The default is the rectangular window. alpha : float, optional The :math:`\\sigma` for a gaussian window or the :math:`beta` for a Kaiser window. Defaults to 3 and is ignored if a window different from Gaussian or Kaiser is selected. fmin : float, optional Suppress all data below this frequency, expressed in Hz. The suppressed data is neither returned nor used to compute the THD (if it is computed at all). The DC component is always preserved. Defaults to: return and use all data. fmax : float, optional The dual to ``fmin``, discard data above ``fmax`` and also do not use it if computing the THD. Defaults to infinity. **Returns:** f : ndarray of floats The frequencies, including the DC. F : ndarray of complex data The result of the Fourier transform, including DC. THD : float The total harmonic distortion, if ``freq`` was specified, ``None`` otherwise. .. plot:: import pylab import numpy as np import ahkab cir = ahkab.Circuit('Test FOUR and FFT') mys = ahkab.time_functions.sin(vo=0, va=1, freq=10e3) cir.add_resistor('R1', 'n1', cir.gnd, 1e3) cir.add_vsource('V1', 'n1', cir.gnd, 1, function=mys) tr = ahkab.new_tran(0, 1e-3, 1e-5, x0=None) r =, tr)['tran'] pylab.figure() pylab.title('Comparison of different windowing') for w in (ahkab.options.RECT_WINDOW, ahkab.options.BART_WINDOW, ahkab.options.HANN_WINDOW, ahkab.options.HAMM_WINDOW, ahkab.options.BLACK_WINDOW, ahkab.options.HARRIS_WINDOW, ahkab.options.KAISER_WINDOW): fsp1, Fsp1, THDsp = ahkab.fourier.spicefft('vn1', r, window=w) pylab.plot(fsp1, 20*np.log10(abs(Fsp1)), label=ahkab.options.WINDOWS_NAMES[w]) pylab.xlabel('Frequency [Hz]'); pylab.ylabel('Magnitude [dB]') pylab.xlim((0, 100000)) pylab.legend() """ if type(label) in py3compat.string_types: data = tran_results[label] elif type(label) == tuple: if len(label) == 1 or (len(label) >= 2 and label[1] is None): data = tran_results[label[0]] label = label[0] else: data = tran_results[label[0]] - tran_results[label[1]] label = '%s - %s' % (label[0], label[1]) if 'start' not in args and 'from' not in args: start = tran_results.tstart elif 'start' in args and args['start'] is not None: start = args['start'] elif args['from'] is not None: start = args['from'] else: start = tran_results.tstart if 'stop' not in args and 'to' not in args: stop = tran_results.tstop elif 'stop' in args and args['stop'] is not None: stop = args['stop'] elif args['to'] is not None: stop = args['to'] else: stop = tran_results.tstop if 'np' not in args: np2 = 1024 else: # round to the nearest power of two np2 = 2 if args['np'] < 2 else 2**int(np.log2(args['np'] - 1) + 1) if 'window' in args: window_type = args['window'].upper() if window_type not in (options.RECT_WINDOW, options.BART_WINDOW, options.HANN_WINDOW, options.HAMM_WINDOW, options.BLACK_WINDOW, options.HARRIS_WINDOW, options.GAUSS_WINDOW, options.KAISER_WINDOW): raise ValueError(('fft(): window may be %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s'+ ' or %s, got %s') % (options.RECT_WINDOW, options.BART_WINDOW, options.HANN_WINDOW, options.HAMM_WINDOW, options.BLACK_WINDOW, options.HARRIS_WINDOW, options.GAUSS_WINDOW, options.KAISER_WINDOW, window_type)) else: window_type = options.RECT_WINDOW alpha = args['alpha'] if 'alpha' in args else 3. fmin = args['fmin'] if 'fmin' in args else None fmax = args['fmax'] if 'fmax' in args else None if freq: nperiods = int((stop-start)*freq) # adjust start so we have an integer number # of periods start = stop - nperiods/freq sampling = 1./(2*freq*nperiods) t = np.linspace(start, stop, ((stop-start)//sampling + 1), endpoint=False) else: sampling = (stop-start)/np2 t = np.linspace(start, stop, np2, endpoint=False) idata = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(tran_results.get_x(), data, k=2) window = {options.RECT_WINDOW: lambda x: 1., options.BART_WINDOW: bartlett, options.HANN_WINDOW: hann, options.HAMM_WINDOW: hamming, options.BLACK_WINDOW: blackman, options.HARRIS_WINDOW: blackmanharris, options.GAUSS_WINDOW: lambda x: gaussian(x, std=alpha), options.KAISER_WINDOW: lambda x: kaiser(x, beta=alpha)} f = fft.fftfreq(len(t), sampling) f = f[:len(f)/2] F = fft.rfft(idata(t)*window[window_type](len(t)))[:-1] if freq: # downsample f = f[::nperiods] F = F[::nperiods] if fmin is not None and fmin > 0: if fmin > f.max(): raise ValueError("fmin=%g Hz but max(f)=%g Hz" % (fmin, f.max())) # keep the DC F = np.concatenate((np.atleast_1d(F[0]), F[f >= fmin])) f = np.concatenate((np.atleast_1d(f[0]), f[f >= fmin])) if fmax is not None: if fmax < f[1:].min(): raise ValueError("fmax=%g Hz but min(f)=%g Hz" % (fmax, f[1:].min())) F = F[f <= fmax] f = f[f <= fmax] if freq: THD = np.sqrt(sum(abs(F[2:])**2))/abs(F[1]) else: THD = None return f, F, THD