Source code for ahkab.switch

# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
# Implementation of the voltage controlled switch model
# Copyright 2013 Giuseppe Venturini
# This file is part of the ahkab simulator.
# Ahkab is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License.
# Ahkab is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License v2
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Implementation of a voltage controlled switch.

This module defines two classes: switch_device, switch_model


# sn1 o--+         +--o n1
#        |         |
#       +-+      \ o
#       |R|       \
#       +-+        +
#        |         |
# sn2 o--+         +--o n2

from __future__ import (unicode_literals, absolute_import,
                        division, print_function)

import math

from . import options
from . import printing

[docs]class switch_device: """This is a general switch element. It has the following structure: .. image:: images/elem/switch1.svg | In ASCII for those who are consulting the documentation from the Python command line: :: sn1 o--+ +--o n1 | | +-+ \ o |R| \\ +-+ + | | sn2 o--+ +--o n2 The behavior is set by the model supplied. The device instance calls the following methods in the model: * ``get_i(ports_v, device)`` - output current * ``get_go(ports_v, device)`` - ouput conductance * ``get_gm(ports_v, device)`` - output transconductance * ``get_dc_guess(self, is_on)`` - guesses for OP The device instance accesses the following attributes: ``part_id`` (a string), the device label. """ def __init__(self, n1, n2, sn1, sn2, model, ic=None, part_id='S'): """ **Parameters:** n1 : str Positive output node (+) n2 : str Negative output node (-) sn1 : str Positive input node (+) sn2 : str Negative input node (-) model : model obj An instance of (v)switch_model ic : bool, optional The initial conditions: ``True`` stands for on, ``False`` for off. Selected methods: - :func:`get_output_ports` -> (n1, n2) - :func:`get_drive_ports` -> (n1, n2), (ns1, ns2) """ class dev_class: pass self.device = dev_class() self.device.is_on = ic if ic is not None else False self.sn1 = sn1 self.sn2 = sn2 self.n1 = n1 self.n2 = n2 self.ports = ((self.n1, self.n2), (self.sn1, self.sn2)) self.model = model self.opdict = {} self.opdict.update({'state': (float('nan'), float('nan'))}) self.part_id = part_id self.is_nonlinear = True self.is_symbolic = True self.dc_guess = self.model.get_dc_guess(self.device.is_on)
[docs] def get_drive_ports(self, op): """Get the ports that drive the output ports. **Parameters:** op : op solution The OP where the drive ports are used. **Returns:** pts : tuple of tuples of ports nodes, as: ``(port0, port1, port2 ... )`` Where each port is in the form: ``port0 = (nplus, nminus)`` """ return self.ports
[docs] def get_output_ports(self): """Get the output port. The output port is ``(n1, n2)`` for the voltage-controlled switch case. **Returns:** pts : tuple of tuples of ports nodes Such as: ``(port0, port1, port2 ... )``. Where each port is in the form: ``port0 = (nplus, nminus)`` """ return ((self.n1, self.n2),)
def __str__(self): rep = + " " + str(self.device.is_on) return rep
[docs] def i(self, op_index, ports_v, time=0): """Returns the current flowing in the element. The element is assumed to be biased with the voltages applied as specified in the ``ports_v`` vector. **Parameters:** op_index : int The index of the output port for which the current is evaluated. ports_v : tuple A tuple constructed such as ``(voltage_across_port0, voltage_across_port1, ... )`` time : float, optional The simulation time at which the evaluation is performed. It is needed by time-variant elements, and it has no effect here. Set it to ``None`` during DC analysis. **Returns:** i : int The output current. """ ret = self.model.get_i(ports_v, self.device) # This may be used for debugging # print str(ports_v)+" Isw: %g\tRo: %g\tgm: %g" % (ret, 1/self.g(0, # ports_v, 0), self.g(0, ports_v, 1)) return ret
[docs] def update_status_dictionary(self, ports_v): """Updates an internal dictionary that can then be used to provide information to the user regarding the status of the element. Normally, one would call :func:`get_op_info`. **Returns:** ``None``. """ if self.opdict is None: self.opdict = {} if not (self.opdict['state'] == ports_v[0] and 'R' in self.opdict): self.opdict['state'] = ports_v[0] self.opdict['R'] = float(1.0 / self.g(0, ports_v[0], 0)) self.opdict['I'] = float(self.i(0, ports_v[0])) self.opdict['STATUS'] = self.device.is_on
[docs] def get_op_info(self, ports_v): """Information regarding the Operating Point (OP) **Parameters:** ports_v : list of lists The parameter is to be set to ``[[v]]``, where ``v`` is the voltage applied to the switch terminals. **Returns:** op_keys : list of strings The labels corresponding to the numeric values in ``op_info``. op_info : list of floats The values corresponding to ``op_keys``. """ self.update_status_dictionary(ports_v) status = "ON" if self.opdict['STATUS'] else "OFF" op_keys = ['Part ID', 'STATUS', "VO [V]", "VS [V]", u"R [\u2126]", "I [A]"] op_info = [self.part_id, status, float(self.opdict['state'][0]), float(self.opdict['state'][1]), self.opdict["R"], self.opdict['I']] return op_keys, op_info
[docs] def g(self, op_index, ports_v, port_index, time=0): """Returns the differential (trans)conductance. The transconductance is computed wrt the port specified by ``port_index`` when the element has the voltages specified in ``ports_v`` across its ports, at (simulation) ``time``. **Parameters:** ports_v : list Voltages applied to the switch. The list should be in the form: ``[voltage_across_port0, voltage_across_port1, ... ]`` port_index : int The index of the output port. time : float The simulation time at which the evaluation is performed. Set it to ``None`` during DC analysis. **Returns:** g : float The transconductance. """ assert op_index == 0 assert port_index < 2 if port_index == 0: return self.model.get_go(ports_v, self.device) if port_index == 1: return self.model.get_gm(ports_v, self.device) else: raise Exception("Unknown port index passed to switch: bug")
[docs] def get_value_function(self, identifier): def get_value(self): return self.opdict[identifier] return get_value
[docs] def get_netlist_elem_line(self, nodes_dict): """Return a netlist line corresponding to the switch.""" return "%s %s %s %s %s %s %s" % (self.part_id, nodes_dict[self.n1], nodes_dict[self.n2], nodes_dict[self.sn1], nodes_dict[self.sn2],, \ str(self.device.is_on))
VT_DEFAULT = 0.0 VH_DEFAULT = 0.0 RON_DEFAULT = 1. ROFF_DEFAULT = 1. / options.gmin
[docs]class vswitch_model: """Voltage-controlled switch model. :: sn1 o--+ +--o n1 | | +-+ \ o |R| \\ +-+ + | | sn2 o--+ +--o n2 Note that: * R is infinite. * The voltage needed to close the switch is: :math:`V(s_{n1})-V(s_{n2}) > V_T+V_H`. * To re-open it, one needs to satisfy the relationship: :math:`V(s_{n1})-V(s_{n2}) < V_T-V_H`. The switch commutes between two statuses: * :math:`R_{OUT} = R_{OFF}` * :math:`R_{OUT} = R_{ON}` None of which can be set to zero or infinite. The switching characteristics are modeled with :math:`tanh(x)`. """ def __init__(self, name, VT=None, VH=None, VON=None, VOFF=None, RON=None, ROFF=None): = name # convert to VT and VH if VON is not None or VOFF is not None: VT, VH = self._get_VTVH_from_VONVOFF(float(VON), float(VOFF)) self.VT = float(VT) if VT is not None else VT_DEFAULT self.VH = float(VH) if VH is not None else VH_DEFAULT self.RON = float(RON) if RON is not None else RON_DEFAULT self.ROFF = float(ROFF) if ROFF is not None else ROFF_DEFAULT self.A = (self.RON - self.ROFF) / 2 self.B = (self.RON + self.ROFF) / 2. self.is_on = False self._set_status(self.is_on) self.SLOPE = 1e2 def _get_VTVH_from_VONVOFF(self, VON, VOFF): if VON is None or VOFF is None: raise ValueError VT = (VON - VOFF) / 2.0 + VOFF return VT, VT * 1e-3 def _get_V(self, is_on): """Get the effective switching voltage (hyst taken into account) """ return self.VT + self.VH * 2 * (not is_on) - self.VH def _set_status(self, is_on): """Set the switch status, which meeans setting the effective switching voltage self.V (w hyst taken into account) """ self.V = self.VT + self.VH * 2 * (not is_on) - self.VH def _update_status(self, vin, dev, debug=False): """Check the switch status and move to the other if needed. """ Vtest = self._get_V(dev.is_on) R1 = self.A * math.tanh((vin - Vtest) * self.SLOPE) + self.B Vtest = self._get_V(not dev.is_on) R2 = self.A * math.tanh((vin - Vtest) * self.SLOPE) + self.B self._set_status(dev.is_on) if vin > self.V and not dev.is_on and R1 - R2 == 0.0: if debug: print("Switching ON: %g" % (vin,)) dev.is_on = True self._set_status(dev.is_on) if vin < self.V and dev.is_on and R1 - R2 == 0.0: if debug: print("Switching OFF: %g" % (vin,)) dev.is_on = False self._set_status(dev.is_on) self.is_on = dev.is_on
[docs] def get_dc_guess(self, is_on): """Returns a list of two floats to be used as initial guesses for the OP analysis """ return [self.VT * (.9 + is_on * .2)] * 2
[docs] def print_model(self): """All the internal parameters of the model get printed out, for visual inspection. """ arr = [] arr.append( [, "", "", "SWITCH MODEL", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""]) arr.append(["VT", "[V]", self.VT, "VH", "[V]:", self.VH, "RON", "[ohm]", self.RON, "ROFF", "[ohm]", self.ROFF]) print(printing.table(arr))
[docs] def get_i(self, xxx_todo_changeme, dev, debug=False): """Returns the output current. """ (vout, vin) = xxx_todo_changeme self._update_status(vin, dev) R = self.A * math.tanh((vin - self.V) * self.SLOPE) + self.B return vout / R
[docs] def get_go(self, xxx_todo_changeme1, dev, debug=False): """Returns the output conductance d(I)/d(Vn1-Vn2).""" (vout, vin) = xxx_todo_changeme1 self._update_status(vin, dev) R = self.A * math.tanh((vin - self.V) * self.SLOPE) + self.B return 1. / R
[docs] def get_gm(self, xxx_todo_changeme2, dev, debug=False): """Returns the source to output transconductance or d(I)/d(Vsn1-Vsn2).""" (vout, vin) = xxx_todo_changeme2 self._update_status(vin, dev) gm = self.A * self.SLOPE * (math.tanh(self.SLOPE * (self.V - vin)) ** 2 - 1) / ( self.A * math.tanh(self.SLOPE * (self.V - vin)) - self.B) ** 2 return gm + options.gmin