Source code for ahkab.utilities

# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
# Utilities file for Ahkab simulator
# Copyright 2006 Giuseppe Venturini

# This file is part of the ahkab simulator.
# Ahkab is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License.
# Ahkab is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License v2
# along with ahkab.  If not, see <>.

This module holds miscellaneous utility functions.

Module reference


from __future__ import (unicode_literals, absolute_import,
                        division, print_function)

import collections
import os
import os.path
import operator

import numpy as np

from functools import wraps

from . import printing
from . import py3compat
from . import options

#: The machine epsilon, the upper bound on the relative error due to rounding in
#: floating point arithmetic.
EPS = np.finfo(float).eps

[docs]def expand_matrix(matrix, add_a_row=False, add_a_col=False): """Append a row and/or a column to the given matrix **Parameters:** matrix : ndarray The matrix to be manipulated. add_a_row : boolean, optional If set to ``True`` a row is appended to the supplied matrix. add_a_col : boolean If set to ``True`` a column is appended. **Returns:** matrix : ndarray A reference to the same matrix supplied. """ n_row, n_col = matrix.shape if add_a_col: col = np.zeros((n_row, 1)) matrix = np.concatenate((matrix, col), axis=1) if add_a_row: if add_a_col: n_col = n_col + 1 row = np.zeros((1, n_col)) matrix = np.concatenate((matrix, row), axis=0) return matrix
[docs]def set_submatrix(row, col, dest_matrix, source_matrix): """Copies a source matrix into another matrix row, col : ints The coordinates of the upper left corner in the destination matrix where the source matrix will be copied. dest_matrix : ndarray The matrix to be copied to. source_matrix : ndarray The matrix to be copied from. **Returns:** dest_matrix : ndarray A reference to the modified destination matrix. """ ls = source_matrix.shape[0] cs = source_matrix.shape[1] dest_matrix[row:row+ls, col:col+cs] = source_matrix[:, :] return dest_matrix
[docs]def remove_row_and_col(matrix, rrow=0, rcol=0): """Removes a row and/or a column from a matrix **Parameters:** matrix : ndarray The matrix to be modified. rrow : int or None, optional The index of the row to be removed. If set to ``None``, no row will be removed. By default the first row is removed. rcol : int or None, optional The index of the row to be removed. If set to ``None``, no row will be removed. By default the first column is removed. .. note:: No size checking is done. **Returns:** matrix : ndarray A reference to the modified matrix. """ if rrow is not None and rcol is not None: return np.vstack((np.hstack((matrix[0:rrow, 0:rcol], matrix[0:rrow, rcol+1:])), np.hstack((matrix[rrow+1:, 0:rcol], matrix[rrow+1:, rcol+1:])) )) elif rrow is not None: return np.vstack((matrix[:rrow, :], matrix[rrow+1:, :])) elif rcol is not None: return np.hstack((matrix[:, :rcol], matrix[:, rcol+1:]))
[docs]def remove_row(matrix, rrow=0): """Removes a row from a matrix **Parameters:** matrix : ndarray The matrix to be modified. rrow : int or None, optional The index of the row to be removed. If set to ``None``, no row will be removed. By default the first row is removed. .. note:: No size checking is done. **Returns:** matrix : ndarray A reference to the modified matrix. """ return np.vstack((matrix[:rrow, :], matrix[rrow+1:, :]))
[docs]def check_file(filename): """Checks whether the supplied path refers to a valid file. **Parameters:** filename : string The file name. **Returns:** chk : boolean A value of ``True`` if ``filename`` is found and it is a file. :raises IOError: if no such file exists or if the supplied file is a directory. """ filename = os.path.abspath(filename) if not os.path.exists(filename): raise IOError(filename + " not found.") elif not os.path.isfile(filename): raise IOError(filename + " is not a file.") return True
[docs]def tuplinator(alist): """Convert a list of lists (of lists...) to tuples""" if type(alist) is list: return tuple([tuplinator(i) for i in alist]) else: return alist
[docs]class combinations: """This class is an iterator that returns all the k-combinations _without_repetition_ of the elements of the supplied list. Each combination is made of a subset of the list, consisting of k elements. **Parameters:** L : list The set from which the elements are taken. k : int The size of the subset, the number of elements to be taken """ def __init__(self, L, k): self.L = L self.k = k self._sub_iter = None self._i = 0 if len(self.L) < k: raise ValueError("The set has to be bigger than the subset.") if k <= 0: raise ValueError("The size of the subset has to be strictly " + "positive.") def __iter__(self): return self
[docs] def next(self): return self.__next__()
def __next__(self): # It's recursive if self.k > 1: if self._sub_iter == None: self._sub_iter = combinations(self.L[self._i + 1:], self.k - 1) try: nxt = self._sub_iter.__next__() cur = self.L[self._i] except StopIteration: if self._i < len(self.L) - self.k: self._i = self._i + 1 self._sub_iter = combinations( self.L[self._i + 1:], self.k - 1) return self.__next__() else: raise StopIteration else: nxt = [] if self._i < len(self.L): cur = self.L[self._i] self._i = self._i + 1 else: raise StopIteration return [cur] + nxt
[docs]class log_axis_iterator: """This iterator provides the values for a base-10 logarithmic sweep. **Parameters:** min : float The minimum value, also the start point of the axis. max : float The maximum value, also the end point of the axis. points : int The number of points which will be used to discretize the ``max`` - ``min`` interval. Notice that, differently from numpy's ``logspace()``, the values are only computed at access time, and hence the memory footprint of the iterator is low. Start and end values are always included. """ def __init__(self, min, max, points): = 10.**((np.log10(max) - np.log10(min))/(points - 1)) self.max = max self.min = min self.index = 0 self.current = min self.points = points
[docs] def next(self): return self.__next__()
def __next__(self): """Iterator method: get the next value """ if self.index == 0: ret = self.current elif self.index < self.points: self.current = self.current * ret = self.current else: raise StopIteration self.index = self.index + 1 return ret def __getitem__(self, i): """Iterator method: get a particular value (n. i) """ if i == 0: ret = self.min elif i < self.points: ret = self.min ***i else: ret = None return ret def __iter__(self): """Required iterator method. """ return self
[docs]class lin_axis_iterator: """This iterator provides the values for a linear sweep. **Parameters:** min : float The minimum value, also the start point of the axis. max : float The maximum value, also the end point of the axis. num : int The number of samples to generate. In general, this should be greater than 1. A value of 1 is accepted only if ``min == max``, in which case, only one value is returned by the iterator: ``min``. Start and end points are always included. Notice that, differently from numpy's ``linspace()``, the values are only computed at access time, and hence the memory footprint of the iterator is low. :raises ValueError: if the number ``points`` is either negative or does not respect the conditions above. """ def __init__(self, min, max, points): if points < 2 and min != max: raise ValueError('Linear iterator from %d to %d with %d points.'% (min, max, points)) if points < 1: raise ValueError('Linear iterator from %d to %d with %d points.'% (min, max, points)) if points > 1: = (max - min) / (points - 1) elif points == 1 and max == min: # sometimes, they ask for this. They expect to get back [max] = 0 self.max = max self.min = min self.index = 0 self.current = min self.points = points
[docs] def next(self): return self.__next__()
def __next__(self): """Iterator method: get the next value """ if self.index == 0: pass # return min elif self.index < self.points: self.current = self.current + else: raise StopIteration ret = self.current self.index = self.index + 1 return ret def __getitem__(self, i): """Iterator method: get a particular value (n. i) """ if i < self.points: ret = self.min + * i else: ret = None return ret def __iter__(self): """Required iterator method. """ return self
[docs]def Celsius2Kelvin(cel): """Convert Celsius degrees to Kelvin """ return cel + 273.15
[docs]def Kelvin2Celsius(kel): """Convert Kelvin degrees to Celsius """ return kel - 273.15
[docs]def convergence_check(x, dx, residuum, nv_minus_one, debug=False): """Perform a convergence check **Parameters:** x : array-like The results to be checked. dx : array-like The last increment from a Newton-Rhapson iteration, solving ``F(x) = 0``. residuum : array-like The remaining error, ie ``F(x) = residdum`` nv_minus_one : int Number of voltage variables in x. If ``nv_minus_one`` is equal to ``n``, it means ``x[:n]`` are all voltage variables. debug : boolean, optional Whether extra information is needed for debug purposes. Defaults to ``False``. **Returns:** chk : boolean Whether the check was passed or not. ``True`` means 'convergence!'. rbn : ndarray The convergence check results by node, if ``debug`` was set to ``True``, else ``None``. """ if not hasattr(x, 'shape'): x = np.array(x) dx = np.array(dx) residuum = np.array(residuum) vcheck, vresults = voltage_convergence_check(x[:nv_minus_one, 0], dx[:nv_minus_one, 0], residuum[:nv_minus_one, 0]) icheck, iresults = current_convergence_check(x[nv_minus_one:], dx[nv_minus_one:], residuum[nv_minus_one:]) return vcheck and icheck, vresults + iresults
[docs]def voltage_convergence_check(x, dx, residuum, debug=False): """Perform a convergence check for voltage variables **Parameters:** x : array-like The results to be checked. dx : array-like The last increment from a Newton-Rhapson iteration, solving ``F(x) = 0``. residuum : array-like The remaining error, ie ``F(x) = residdum`` debug : boolean, optional Whether extra information is needed for debug purposes. Defaults to ``False``. **Returns:** chk : boolean Whether the check was passed or not. ``True`` means 'convergence!'. rbn : ndarray The convergence check results by node, if ``debug`` was set to ``True``, else ``None``. """ return custom_convergence_check(x, dx, residuum, er=options.ver, ea=options.vea, eresiduum=options.iea, debug=debug)
[docs]def current_convergence_check(x, dx, residuum, debug=False): """Perform a convergence check for current variables **Parameters:** x : array-like The results to be checked. dx : array-like The last increment from a Newton-Rhapson iteration, solving ``F(x) = 0``. residuum : array-like The remaining error, ie ``F(x) = residdum`` debug : boolean, optional Whether extra information is needed for debug purposes. Defaults to ``False``. **Returns:** chk : boolean Whether the check was passed or not. ``True`` means 'convergence!'. rbn : ndarray The convergence check results by node, if ``debug`` was set to ``True``, else ``None``. """ return custom_convergence_check(x, dx, residuum, er=options.ier, ea=options.iea, eresiduum=options.vea, debug=debug)
[docs]def custom_convergence_check(x, dx, residuum, er, ea, eresiduum, debug=False): """Perform a custom convergence check **Parameters:** x : array-like The results to be checked. dx : array-like The last increment from a Newton-Rhapson iteration, solving ``F(x) = 0``. residuum : array-like The remaining error, ie ``F(x) = residdum`` ea : float The value to be employed for the absolute error. er : float The value for the relative error to be employed. eresiduum : float The maximum allowed error for the residuum (left over error). debug : boolean, optional Whether extra information is needed for debug purposes. Defaults to ``False``. **Returns:** chk : boolean Whether the check was passed or not. ``True`` means 'convergence!'. rbn : ndarray The convergence check results by node, if ``debug`` was set to ``True``, else ``None``. """ all_check_results = [] if not hasattr(x, 'shape'): x = np.array(x) dx = np.array(dx) residuum = np.array(residuum) if x.shape[0]: if not debug: ret = np.allclose(x, x + dx, rtol=er, atol=ea) and \ np.allclose(residuum, np.zeros(residuum.shape), atol=eresiduum, rtol=0) else: for i in range(x.shape[0]): if np.abs(dx[i, 0]) < er*np.abs(x[i, 0]) + ea and \ np.abs(residuum[i, 0]) < eresiduum: all_check_results.append(True) else: all_check_results.append(False) if not all_check_results[-1]: break ret = not (False in all_check_results) else: # We get here when there's no variable to be checked. This is because # there aren't variables of this type. Eg. the circuit has no voltage # sources nor voltage defined elements. In this case, the actual check # is done only by current_convergence_check, voltage_convergence_check # always returns True. ret = True return ret, all_check_results
[docs]def check_step_and_points(step=None, points=None, period=None, default_points=100): """Sets consistently the step size and the number of points The calculation is done according to the given period. **Parameters:** step : scalar, optional The discretization step. points : int, optional The number of points to be used in the discretization. period : scalar, optional The length of the interval to be discretized. Not setting this parameter will result in a ``ValueError``. default_points : int, optional The default number of points. **Returns:** (points, step) : tuple The adjusted number of points and step value. """ if step is None and points is None: printing.print_warning("Neither step nor n. of points set. Using %d points." % default_points) points = default_points elif step is not None and points is not None: printing.print_warning("Both step and # of points set. Using step = %f." % step) points = None if points: step = float(period)/(points - 1) else: points = float(period)/step if points % 1 != 0: step = step + (step * (points % 1)) / int(points) points = int(float(period)/step) printing.print_warning("adapted step is %g" % (step,)) else: points = int(points) # 0 - N where xN is in reality the first point of the second period!! points = points + 1 return int(points), step
[docs]def check_circuit(circ): """Performs some easy sanity checks. Checks performed: * Has the circuit more than one node? * Has the circuit a connection to ground? * Has the circuit more than two elements? * Are there no two elements with the same ``part_id``? **Parameters:** circ : circuit instance The circuit to be checked. **Returns:** chk : boolean The logical ``and()`` of the answer to the above questions. msg : string A message describing the error, if any. """ if circ.get_nodes_number() < 2: test_passed = False reason = "the circuit has less than two nodes." elif not 0 in circ.nodes_dict: test_passed = False reason = "the circuit has no ref. Quitting." elif len(circ) < 2: test_passed = False reason = "the circuit has less than two elements." elif circ.has_duplicate_elem(): test_passed = False reason = "duplicate elements found (check the names!)" else: test_passed = True reason = "" return test_passed, reason
[docs]def check_ground_paths(mna, circ, reduced_mna=True, verbose=3): """Checks that every node has a DC path to ground The path to ground might be through non-linear elements. .. note:: * This does not ensure that the circuit will have a DC solution. * A node without DC path to ground would be rescued (likely) by GMIN so (for the time being at least) we do *not* halt the execution. * Also, two series capacitors always fail this check (GMIN saves us) Bottom line: if there is no DC path to ground, there is probably a mistake in the netlist. Print a warning. **Returns:** chk : boolean A boolean set to true if there is a DC path to ground from all nodes in the circuit. """ test_passed = True if reduced_mna: # reduced_correction r_c = 1 else: r_c = 0 to_be_checked_for_nonlinear_paths = [] for node in iter(circ.nodes_dict.keys()): if node == 0: continue # ground if type(node) != int: # an ext handle continue if mna[node - r_c, node - r_c] == 0 and \ not mna[node - r_c, circ.get_nodes_number() - r_c:].any(): to_be_checked_for_nonlinear_paths.append(node) for node in to_be_checked_for_nonlinear_paths: node_is_nl_op = False for elem in circ: if not elem.is_nonlinear: continue ops = elem.get_output_ports() for op in ops: if op.count(node): node_is_nl_op = True if not node_is_nl_op: if verbose: printing.print_warning( "No path to ground from node " + circ.nodes_dict[node]) test_passed = False return test_passed
[docs]def memoize(f): """Memoization decorator **Parameters:** f : function The function to apply memoization to. **Returns:** fm : function The function with added memoization. **Implementation:** Originally from `this post <>`_, it has been modified to provide a cache of size ``options.cache_len``. .. note:: The size of the cache is per model instance and per function. If you have one model, shared by several elements, you probably prefer to have a big cache. """ class memodict(collections.OrderedDict): __slots__ = () @wraps(f) def __getitem__(self, *key): return dict.__getitem__(self, key) def __missing__(self, key): ret = self[key] = f(*key) # set options.cache_len to None to disable any size limit. if options.cache_len is not None and len(self) > options.cache_len: self.popitem() #FIFO pop return ret return memodict().__getitem__